Each industry report covers the following segments
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Industry Research
- Generally includes statistics such as value, contribution to GDP and number of employees.
- The most important problem or issue is usually mentioned.
Provides a general outline of the industry, whether there are many players, whether there is vertical integration, whether it forms part of a larger sector, and includes the products manufactured by the industry.
2.1 Industry Value Chain
- General value chain points, either in a paragraph or in diagrammatic form.
2.2 Geographic Position
- Includes a graph showing the location of the head office of profiled companies by province.
- Focuses on where the dominant companies are situated and why.
- Provides an indication of the size of the industry.
- Approximate market share if it has been determined.
- A table showing the major companies as well as smaller companies involved in the sector, arranged by province.
4.1 Local
- The important events of the last year or since the last report.
- What is happening now? What are the trends, developments, successes, issues, government initiatives, problems?
- Imports and exports.
- New locations and investment in capacity.
4.1.1 Corporate Actions
- Any corporate activity in the last two years. This includes takeovers, unbundling and mergers and acquisitions.
4.1.2 Regulations
- Regulations that govern the industry.
4.2 Continental
- Trends and/or events for the industry in Africa and the implications of these trends.
- Any facts and figures of South African companies already involved in Africa.
- Any relevant trade/economic/political agreements and any notable developments regionally are mentioned here.
4.3 International
- Compares South Africa with the global market.
- Includes the names of major global players.
- Includes information about South African companies with a global presence.
- Trends, implications and market opportunities for South African companies.
- Factors that influence the success of the industry vary from sector to sector but the following are always included.
5.1 Economic Environment
- Describes the current conditions and how they influence the sector.
5.2 Labour
- Includes sub-headings: Employment figures; Unions; Skills and training.
- Includes the SETA and training authority, skills shortages and training initiatives.
5.3 Environmental Concerns
- Discusses any issues or developments within the sector that have resulted because of environmental concerns.
5.4 Technology, Research & Development (R&D) and Innovation
- The importance and effect of new technology on the sector.
- R&D initiatives in the sector.
- Innovations in the sector.
Other factors included could be Rising Input Costs, Cyclicality, Government Support, Legislation, Infrastructure Programmes, Rapid Urbanisation, Information Technology, etc.
- Includes graphs on companies profiled, employees and turnover segmented by ownership type.
- Local and international competition events and issues, including Competition Commission rulings and active investigations.
6.1 Barriers to Entry
- Factors that impede entry to the industry.
- The SWOT analysis acts as a summary as it focuses on the Strengths,Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the industry concerned. The points are drawn from the preceding content in the body of the report.
- Prospects for the sector
- Contact details for the associations that govern the industry.
- Names of the individuals interviewed are kept confidential.
10.1 Publications
- List of Publications used in the compilation of the report.
10.2 Websites
- List of Websites used when conducting internet research.
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R 1 900.00(ZAR) estimated $ 105.11 (USD)*
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